Local veteran honored with a hunt
“These hunts provide veterans more than the chance to hunt down some prey. As both brothers explained, those heading the organization started it partly in response to high suicide rate among veterans. “For the guides and the people they take out, it’s therapy for all of them. They can talk… or just do stuff that they enjoy doing,” Brent said. “If anyone wants to give to anything, this would be the one to give to because local people can go on it.”
– Brent and Randy Krantz
Thanks Henry G
“I would like to thank you all for the wonderful opportunities your organization offers our veterans. David Morse did an excellent job of organizing and conducting the event. He is truly a dedicated professional who has an honest and complete interest in taking care of our veterans. We truly need to ensure that more persons of this caliber are selected and placed into positions like David’s. Great job!”
– Henry Geving