American Heroes Outdoors Cinema Premiere Saturday March 29th.

 In News and Events

American Heroes Outdoors will premier in theaters Saturday March 29th, with 1:30 and 3:00pm showtimes at West Acres 14 Theatres in Fargo, ND, and Parkwood Cinema in Waite Park, MN. Tickets may be purchased online at this link.


West Acres 14 Theatres

1:30 and 3:00 showing
4101 17th Ave S,
Fargo, ND 58103

WA 130

WA 3pm


Parkwood Cinema

1:30 pm and 3:00pm showing
1533 Frontage Rd N,
Waite Park, MN 56387

PW 130

PW 3pm


Purchase Event Tickets


A-1149 AmHeroes postersX2

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Contact AHO TV

If you or a friend, relative or loved one who served their country would like to appear as a guest on American Hero Outdoors Television, please contact us as we are reaching out to as many heroes as possible as we film each season.

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