American Heroes Outdoors showcases veterans injured while serving, will show premiere at West Acres Cinema

 In News and Events

Fargo, ND (WDAY TV) – A chance to see some real American heroes at a movie theatre doing what they love, and healing. This Sunday, American Heroes Outdoors will host a premiere showing of of its new season at West Acres Cinema in Fargo.

The locally produced television show features military veterans and law enforcement officers who have been injured while serving. Those veterans are taken on an outdoor experience fishing or hunting.

Local veteran Dave Morse produces the show. There are 13 episodes to air this spring and summer.

Dave Morse\American Heroes Outdoors, “If you are an injured police, firefighter, military personel, if you want to come out on a trip and I have something to say and help other people up and experience this as well, get a hold of us as well.”

That premiere of American Heroes Outdoors Television is this Sunday at 1:30 at Fargo’s West Acres Cinema.


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Contact AHO TV

If you or a friend, relative or loved one who served their country would like to appear as a guest on American Hero Outdoors Television, please contact us as we are reaching out to as many heroes as possible as we film each season.

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