In Hometown Heroes

Please join us in celebrating the Appleton Wisconsin Scheels Hometown heroes, Dominic and Jacole Hall.

Dominic was a decorated veteran and Appleton police investigator who tragically lost his battle with Cancer that medical professionals believe was a direct result of his exposure to radiation, chemicals and contaminants while serving in the U.S. military overseas.

Before Dominic’s death, both Dominic and his wife Jacole started Vaspire316 in an effort to do good for others in similar situations.

Today, Jacole continues to honor Dominic’s legacy by helping other military members and their families as they navigate difficult life events.

Please join us in celebrating and honoring Dominic and Jacole as the next Scheels Hometown Heroes.

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If you or a friend, relative or loved one who served their country would like to appear as a guest on American Hero Outdoors Television, please contact us as we are reaching out to as many heroes as possible as we film each season.

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