Welcome to American Heroes Outdoors

 In News and Events

American Heroes Outdoors Television is a documentation of journey, commitment, struggle and healing. Our program is a tribute to this nation’s service men and women. Their stories are compelling and real. After witnessing the dangers and horror of combat, the outdoors for many veteran military personnel is a therapy.

We believe the outdoors makes our society better.  The message we have to our viewers is twofold.  Hunting and fishing is a rich heritage that can enrich the life of any man or woman.  Time spent in the field or on the water cleanses the senses and soul.  You don’t have to experience the horror and dangers of war to appreciate what the outdoors can offer us as individuals.  Our hope with this programming however is not just to leave you with an appreciation for what the outdoors can do for people; we also want to give you a glimpse to the sacrifice, bravery and commitment of our American Heroes.  The United States of America remains a land of opportunity and prosperity because of the selflessness of our military personnel.



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If you or a friend, relative or loved one who served their country would like to appear as a guest on American Hero Outdoors Television, please contact us as we are reaching out to as many heroes as possible as we film each season.

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