Giving Hearts Day February 13th, 2025

 In News and Events, News and Media

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“To share the stories of our nation’s military, Veteran, and First Responders heroes, while helping them heal in the great outdoors!”


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This year American Heroes Outdoors is participating in Giving Hearts Day on February 13th. Giving Hearts Day is a day of giving where donations are matched dollar for dollar! If you donate $20 it turns into $40 and so on. Please consider supporting American Heroes Outdoors in your efforts to give back to those who have given so much. Donate now at the link below!


Pledge your support by emailing us your contact info at today!

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If you or a friend, relative or loved one who served their country would like to appear as a guest on American Hero Outdoors Television, please contact us as we are reaching out to as many heroes as possible as we film each season.

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