In Hometown Heroes

John grew up in Western Nebraska (Crawford, NE) and was one of 8 children. He graduated from Crawford High School and was active in the community. His father was the local dentist. John was an excellent baseball player (a catcher) and was contacted at one point by the MLB but was only 17 at the time.


John served in the Vietnam War and was a tank commander and was exposed to agent orange. John has hearing loss due to the war and has also fought kidney cancer. John graduated from Creighton University and met his wife AnneMarie and raised 4 children together in Omaha. John and AnneMarie were married until she passed of cancer at the young at of 52 in 1998.

John is now retired enjoying life with his significant other Jeanette and is referred by to his 14 grandchildren as “Papa John”. He enjoys golf and very active in the American Legion Post 1. He was elected commander of Post 1 in the 1980’s. He in addition serves a numerous funeral each week with the color guard, presenting the American flag to over 2,000 Veteran’s families and has done so for over 40 years.

John is a selfless man who loves his family and his country. Thank you John for your service to your country and community!

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