Wounded Warriors Guide Service Hosting Fishing Tournament May 30th in Bismarck
Coming up Saturday, May 30th, you’ll have the chance to help out a great cause, all while enjoying some great fishing in Bismarck! The Wounded Warriors Guide Service is hosting a fishing tournament Saturday, May 30th, at Misty Waters Marina in Bismarck!
The cost to participate is $200 per every 2-3 person team and you can sign up right now at WoundedWarriorsGuide.com! You can even have a veteran be a part of your team, simply by checking the box on the registration form!
Proceeds from the tournament will go to benefit the Wounded Warriors Guide Service, which is a 501c3 non-profit organization and a cost free guide service founded by veterans for veterans. All of the money raised during the fishing tournament will go towards a trip in western North Dakota.
For more information regarding the upcoming fishing tournament or any information about Wounded Warriors Guide Service, visit their website HERE.